Early efforts…

So, a lot has happened since I began this journey. I’m still unemployed. I’ve applied to over 150 positions. Some admittedly with other corporations, but nothing as competitive as my previous employer. I’ve visited kids, went to dr. appointments, refinished furniture, worked on my workshop, mowed an incredible amount of grass (lots of moisture this year), and spent quite a bit of time researching and writing.

As I mentioned, my first response to the layoff was controlled patience. I read different internet blogs about the process and how to deal with it. I forced myself to stay calm and give it time before reacting. I tried to keep the right attitude and not become bitter. The one thing I couldn’t do was go back in the building. For some reason, the idea that I was unemployed, perhaps unsuccessful, or maybe identity-less, wouldn’t let me go back to the one place I’d called home, besides home. It’s been over a year and a half. I haven’t been back.

Childish? Possibly. Vengeful? No

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Although far from a professional photographer, photography has been a part of me for many years. I can remember using a little Kodak 110 camera when I was just a kid. I used it to take pictures around town of things I found interesting. When I was in high school I became an editor for the yearbook and though I didn’t get to take a lot of the photos since I had staff photographers, I spent many hours working in a black and white darkroom.

In college I again served as yearbook editor and took every opportunity I could to get in the darkroom. In fact, there was a time when I considered going into photography as a career. I had the idea that I would merge photography and graphic arts, maybe do some advertising, but I moved on from that. In some ways I wish I had continued my interest in professional photography.

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