The Loss of Honor

shutterstock/jack cronkhite

I don’t care if you were for the war in Afghanistan or against the war in Afghanistan. I don’t care if you think we had a right to go over there or if you thought we should stay home. I don’t care if you believed the images you saw on September 11, 2001 or if you thought it was all a government conspiracy. I don’t care if you are a Blue Blooded Fighting Patriot or a Tree Hugging Contentious Observing Humanitarian. I don’t care if you supported the military complex or you have peace signs tattooed on your butt.

If you aren’t upset by images of our military weapons and equipment being used by the Afghanistan Taliban terrorists against the very people we have spent twenty years fighting with and trying to help develop a government; if it doesn’t turn your stomach to see our weapons of war being used to once again enslave young women, to rape and murder them in an effort to purge the Western Civilization from their souls; if you aren’t concerned about the potential of our young men and women of the military having to go back in an effort to bring home our non-military personnel and being faced with a fighting force which is armed with our own weapons – then you are not human.

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The Cost Of Crazy

Governments around the world have either lost their minds or they have intentionally driven their citizens crazy over Covid. And there is a COST to CRAZY.

There are health costs to the crazy. Costs as a nation and as individuals. Covid has caused us to put off important things. Things like follow up tests, surgeries, regular screenings. Hospitals rejected patients with “elective” issues. Patients in fear of the virus avoided seeing doctors for basic and follow up care.

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