Peace- Out

I finished a day. It was a day to top a week. Training for eight hours a day at a computer. I had a little alone time after work. I churned up the Traeger, and put on some sirloin. Poured some Jack in a tumbler and lit up one of Manny’s hand wrapped stubs. Sat out on the deck as the sun dropped in the sky, the evening breeze blowing lightly. And I let it all blow away with the smoke in the wind.

A Word…

You know, I try to stay away from a political position. Certainly to some my personal opinions lean in a particular political direction. Still, I try to stay away from pointing fingers, or vilifying a particular political group. If we’re reasonable there is enough blame for where we are at to go around.

But this one? This post shouldn’t divide anyone. I write, so words matter. I’ve always done better sharing my thoughts in a written way than in a spoken way. I’m not an especially social individual. Since words matter, how we use words matter. The fact that we want to restrict the words others use matters. I’m not in favor of restricting speech. I know there are things I don’t want to hear, and there are things you don’t want to hear, but that doesn’t mean we should shutdown those who are speaking. We have the right to turn them off. Tune out. Ignore. But shutting them down just because we don’t agree doesn’t advance us as a society; it sets us back as a society.

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