Chill Of An Early Fall

One of my favorite George Strait songs in that title, but it was an early fall chill on that last Saturday when we worked the calves. They were rather large, and in a mood. There was more snorting and dirt pawing than ever. As usual the heifers were more cantankerous than the bull calves. They were zeroing in on everyone. Even though the majority were only being violated by a vaccine needle, they were still having none of it. Guess you could call ’em anti-vaxxers.

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Food For Thought

Rather than spend time debating, in this post I’ve attached several articles I’ve collected. The last one, which discusses the effectiveness of the annual flu vaccine is of particular interest, when you realize that as the number of vaccinated elderly increased, so did the number of elderly deaths. You can read and determine for yourself. In fact, you can even debate the legitimacy of the source if you’d like. The point is, there’s plenty of conflicting information out there. Our own CDC has been all over the place in their directions, information, and edicts. Vaccine companies have made billions off of the fear of this virus. Government has gained more power and control over the people it is supposed to represent than ever before. As have corporations and health organizations, which are now determining who deserves health coverage or even a transplant based upon vaccination status.

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