Main Street

Man, I drive down Main Street in our dusty little county seat on a Saturday, and it’s a ghost town. During the week it’s fairly lively, but on the weekend its dead. Tumbleweeds have more movement. Parking certainly isn’t a problem, but then why would you be parking? There isn’t a store open after 12 noon, and there were only three that bothered to open at all. It’s sad, but it’s also expected.

It’s no secret, I managed a big box before I got laid off. That’s what got this page started in the first place. And though it wasn’t in this town, we were often vilified for “Killing Main Street.” It is one of the biggest bullshit stories you’ve ever heard and people eat that crap like it was coconut cream. No doubt, Big Box Retail presents a challenge for small business and for cities and towns that have lived on that apple pie way of thinking since their founding. Don’t get me wrong, I worked for Big Box, but I root for the small box. I’m as freaking Americana as they come. I grew up on Leave it to Beaver, Hazel, My Three Sons, and Father Knows Best. All that sixties/seventies nuclear family stuff is in my blood.

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