Are you ready?

No, really. Are you ready? This isn’t just any election. It may be the most critical in our history, certainly in my lifetime. I know, you’ve heard that before, possibly every four (4) years, but this time… It’s true.

Why? Depending upon the outcome, we may have nearly 1/2 of our society on the watch list. Yeah, even this post, could be a red flag. A simple matter of freedom of speech, of questioning, of criticizing, could get you on a list November 6, 2024. It depends on the party taking power. We are that divided as a nation. It isn’t enough to win an election, we have to bury our opponents. Doxing, bullying, destroying has become the norm. And our government is getting crazy about those who don’t comply. The intimidation and weaponization of our judicial system, can’t be ignored. They are on the hunt, and they won’t stop if they win on 11/5/2024.

We had a guy go to jail for posting a meme in a previous election; even though there were thousands of other people saying and doing the same thing. He became the poster child for the “We will get you,” “We will make an example out of you” crowd.

We had a grandmother who is literally on tape walking into the rotunda of the US Capitol (the “People’s House”) through an unlocked door, praying, and walking back out; who went to prison for that little event.

We have countless others who committed no violence or obstruction on January 6th 2021, who have been imprisoned, who waited years to get their trial or released, who were put in solitary confinement, for protesting. While others burnt down cities and didn’t even receive a slap on the wrist.

So, are you ready? Are you ready for the potential changes in this country? Are you ready to be hunted down because of your vote? Tune in on 11/6/2024 to see what happens next.

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