Catching up

Okay, so I’ve been there, and I’ve done it. I can actually speak from experience now. THESE ARE MY OPINIONS and we all know the comparison between opinions and assholes. I AM NO EXPERT. I am not a doctor, but I am a reasoning individual, with at least an average education, and the ability to research and think on my own. I am going to share my opinions and I am going to call BULLSHIT on a number of things with which I find conflict. I’m going to have this post and one other on the subject of COVID-19 and then I’m moving on.

I am certainly fortunate in my Covidventure. I had it and my family had it. We were all fortunate, and though there are several things in my mind that I feel contributed to our experience, the fact is many others don’t fair as well. In fact, I’ve recently attended the funeral of a family friend who lost a battle with COVID-19. He was much younger than me. He was more active than me. It’s tragic, but my feelings and opinions haven’t changed.

So, here are a few things we did. My family immediately started taking Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and Zinc as soon as we felt we had potentially been exposed. My wife has had pneumonia several times, and we were concerned about her vulnerability to the virus. I have a friend who also has pulmonary issues and sees a pulmonologist on a regular basis. They both had mild cases of COVID. In fact, all of those who I know of who were on the C/D3/Zinc regiment have had mild cases, but that’s just my experience.

We didn’t hangout in bed. Its not a normal influenza virus. Lying flat in bed, especially if it gets into your lungs, isn’t a good idea. The congestion gets thick. We hydrated well; each of us. In my case, I did get it down in my lungs and bronchial passages. I started breathing treatments right away, keeping my lungs moist and open. My NP did give me a z-pac and a steroid, but I didn’t see noticeable improvement from those meds. My symptoms continued after that approach. The rest of my family didn’t go on any meds other than Tylenol for fever. That’s the extent of our treatment.

So, here’s where the BS meter comes in.

I’ve had it, and what do the experts want me to do? Mask up. BULLSHIT.

Experts tell me that I am immune for 3-5 months. BULLSHIT.

Because of changing strains of this virus we are likely to see another wave and thus need more lockdowns. BULLSHIT.

Immune system 101. My body uses exposures to bacteria and virus to build its immunity. I have antibodies for this virus. Continued exposure to this virus allows my body to continue to develop antibodies for this virus, or for additional strains of this virus. This idea of masking up, especially if you’ve had the virus, runs completely contrary to everything we’ve ever been taught about our immune systems.

Rather than Covid – 19, let’s look at the flu as an example. The average influenza season (FLU) in the United States is 13 weeks. Though the virus is around all year, it is most prevalent and impactful upon our society during the months of December thru February, sometimes lasting as late as May. More people are exposed, more people are indoors, and children are in school to carry it home during those months of the year. Outside of the regular flu season, few people are exposed to the virus. So for anywhere from 6 to 9 months, our immune system isn’t getting exposure to the flu virus. If it were, it would continue to develop antibodies against it and also against developing mutations. BUT since we lose exposure, our antibody levels go down in the off season, which is what makes us susceptible to the next seasons virus which is usually a different strain.

So, since I have antibodies and since my body is getting exposure to the virus and/or its mutations/strains, I have trouble believing the CDC/WHO or other health entities which tell me I only have 3-5 months of immunity. However, if I mask up and keep myself from exposure, I would totally believe that my length of immunity would be compromised. I believe if I am interacting with the public and constantly coming into contact with the virus, then my immune system will continue to make the antibodies. That’s how our immune system works – constantly being exposed to the virus after developing antibodies causes our bodies to continue to make those antibodies.

Additionally, I call BULLSHIT on the masks, at least for the average individual. I believe masks are postponing the inevitable, if they truly help at all. Breathing in the bacteria you exhale on a regular basis can’t be good for your lungs. They provide a false sense of security. They are often worn wrong. And the moment you remove that mask (if it helps) you will be exposed to whatever remnant of the virus exists. Additionally, there are plenty of reports of people who masked religiously and still contacted the virus. Don’t get me wrong here. If they make you feel better, I will NOT tease, harass or condemn you for wearing one, or two. I support your right to do so, but please, if you really believe your mask helps, don’t condemn me for not wearing one (especially since I’ve had the virus).

I realize that there are experts in these fields. However, the experts don’t agree. If you do your own research, you will find highly qualified doctors who argue against the directions being given by our government sponsored health institutions. Additionally, our government directed health institutions have been all over the board, something our impeccable media sources fail to address. They’ve changed directions and even contradicted their own directions throughout this pandemic. And since I used the word pandemic, which is used so regularly to describe this virus the BS Meter is going off again. A pandemic is simply “a world wide spread of a new disease.” Though the word pandemic is usually associated with a fearful, devastating illness which threatens human life as we know it, any disease, or virus, could be a pandemic if it reaches across the world, even if it doesn’t kill.

The US has a Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 1.77% and a Crude Fatality Rate of .1396% of population. The CFR for the 1918 Spanish flu was 2.25%. I believe the CFR of Covid-19 is heavily exagerated, including a large number of deaths which were not from the actual virus. Regardless of my belief, the hype around Covid-19 has been astronomical. A disease in which 98.23% of the people who get it, and and 99.86% of the US population, will survive with no significant complications, has shutdown the most amazing economy to ever hit the world is astounding. It is pure and utter BULLSHIT.

We’ve devastated small business and fed corporate business. We’ve caused irreparable psychological harm to our children, an entirety of the next generation. We’ve isolated our elderly (which should have been the first place) and allowed them to die in that isolation (which should not have been done in the first place). We’ve created a nation of fearful, soft, and emotionally controlled individuals. We’ve given government more power over our lives, and we’ve allowed the elite to control our movements, our buying habits, our confidence, our states, and our country. We have done all of this by being controlled, not by reason, but by fear, by the government, and by the media.

Certainly this virus impacts people. People are going to die. The elderly are most vulnerable. Those with compromised immune systems, and chronic illness/disease are also vulnerable. Those are the people we should worry for; they are the ones who need protection (masks, isolation). Everyone else should have gone about their business. Had we protected the vulnerable and kept our economy going, we would be past this. Covid would have run its course, and life would continue. But we are too busy finding reasons to be fearful. We have entire segments of our society who fear at the drop of a hat. They are the very people who need a safe space, who are offended or threatened by free speech, who want to cancel portions of our culture and history, who fear the world will come to an end because we aren’t because the ocean rose an inch, and who have nothing but this life to hold onto. And that, my fiends leads to the final post on Covid-19.

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