Let’s have a few words

Below are a few words which have been cast about by the media and politicians. They have been used as descriptive narrative with particular emphasis toward January 6th, Anti-Vaxers, Canadian Truckers, and individuals of particular political swing. Definitions provided are courtesy of Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary. I’ve used that particular dictionary because the 2022 form has been rewritten nearly daily as tech, politicians, and social hubs try to control the societal narrative. I present them without further commentary. Followed by a few quotes from a significant member of our founding fatherhood.

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Money, Money, Money


They say you can’t take it with you, but you might as well use it to insulate your casket. That’s all it will be worth.

When hyperinflation hit Germany, before World War II it took a wheel barrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread – $4.6 million to be exact. From 1922 to November 1923 a loaf of bread went from 163 Marks to 200,000,000,000. The Weimar government printed too much money (Marks) in their effort to pay reparations after the French invasion in 1923. This was one of three key elements which caused their monetary value to collapse. The money was so worthless, it was cheaper to burn the money than to buy coal or heating oil for fuel.

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Fear Itself 2

It continues. Two years and we still have fear dominating our lives. Folks, it’s pretty simple.


You… Yes, You… are going to die. You are going to be boxed or burned. They’ll be tossing lilies at you. Shoveling dirt. Taking the big sleep. Feeding worms. You will look like the Crypt Keeper. You are a carbon based life form. Your inevitable end is only a matter of time. And time is the one thing you can’t control.

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I’ll “Hand” It To Ya

You know these days, almost everything is under fire. Whether it’s someone’s opinion, political affiliation, church denomination, or haircut choice, it seems there is always someone who is upset about someone else’s business choices, decisions, words, or actions. Now it’s hand gestures.


It seems this almost international, universal symbol for “Okay,” “Alright,” “Gotcha”, “I understand.”, and “I’ve got It” is being maligned by the idea it is a racist, white supremacist symbol. I’m mean, come on; if you haven’t used this symbol sometime in your life, you were either born in the last ten years to parents so woke they slapped your hands in the cradle, or you simply have no fuc… uh …freaking fingers. I had a college professor who used this symbol a thousand times a day. He was so into the circle on the knee game, that he would hide around the corner standing on a chair just to put it in you face.

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Food For Thought

Rather than spend time debating, in this post I’ve attached several articles I’ve collected. The last one, which discusses the effectiveness of the annual flu vaccine is of particular interest, when you realize that as the number of vaccinated elderly increased, so did the number of elderly deaths. You can read and determine for yourself. In fact, you can even debate the legitimacy of the source if you’d like. The point is, there’s plenty of conflicting information out there. Our own CDC has been all over the place in their directions, information, and edicts. Vaccine companies have made billions off of the fear of this virus. Government has gained more power and control over the people it is supposed to represent than ever before. As have corporations and health organizations, which are now determining who deserves health coverage or even a transplant based upon vaccination status.

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A Word…

You know, I try to stay away from a political position. Certainly to some my personal opinions lean in a particular political direction. Still, I try to stay away from pointing fingers, or vilifying a particular political group. If we’re reasonable there is enough blame for where we are at to go around.

But this one? This post shouldn’t divide anyone. I write, so words matter. I’ve always done better sharing my thoughts in a written way than in a spoken way. I’m not an especially social individual. Since words matter, how we use words matter. The fact that we want to restrict the words others use matters. I’m not in favor of restricting speech. I know there are things I don’t want to hear, and there are things you don’t want to hear, but that doesn’t mean we should shutdown those who are speaking. We have the right to turn them off. Tune out. Ignore. But shutting them down just because we don’t agree doesn’t advance us as a society; it sets us back as a society.

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The Loss of Honor

shutterstock/jack cronkhite

I don’t care if you were for the war in Afghanistan or against the war in Afghanistan. I don’t care if you think we had a right to go over there or if you thought we should stay home. I don’t care if you believed the images you saw on September 11, 2001 or if you thought it was all a government conspiracy. I don’t care if you are a Blue Blooded Fighting Patriot or a Tree Hugging Contentious Observing Humanitarian. I don’t care if you supported the military complex or you have peace signs tattooed on your butt.

If you aren’t upset by images of our military weapons and equipment being used by the Afghanistan Taliban terrorists against the very people we have spent twenty years fighting with and trying to help develop a government; if it doesn’t turn your stomach to see our weapons of war being used to once again enslave young women, to rape and murder them in an effort to purge the Western Civilization from their souls; if you aren’t concerned about the potential of our young men and women of the military having to go back in an effort to bring home our non-military personnel and being faced with a fighting force which is armed with our own weapons – then you are not human.

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The Cost Of Crazy


Governments around the world have either lost their minds or they have intentionally driven their citizens crazy over Covid. And there is a COST to CRAZY.

There are health costs to the crazy. Costs as a nation and as individuals. Covid has caused us to put off important things. Things like follow up tests, surgeries, regular screenings. Hospitals rejected patients with “elective” issues. Patients in fear of the virus avoided seeing doctors for basic and follow up care.

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OMG Folks. When did we lose our sense of reason? We were on vacation in Colorado. It was like watching from the Crazy Train. Everywhere you look there are signs: HELP WANTED. Along with those, there are others which proclaim: $15.00 MINIMUM WAGE at fast food joints. At one McDonalds there was even a sign: HOUSING AVAILABLE. We cam upon a sandwich shop that was only opened at the drive-thru window because they couldn’t get enough staff to open the dining room even though they were offering $15 an hour. These are entry level jobs. When did we equate “minimum wage” with “living wage?”

My first job, driving a grain truck – $2.00 an hour – of course I was just a teen. The corporate job that gave me the layoff – I started as an hourly employee for $3.35 in 1985. The Federal Minimum Wage was introduced in 1938 at 25 cents an hour. It took 23 years for it to break a dollar an hour, which was in 1961 when it went up to $1.15. In the first fifty years of its existence the minimum wage rose by $3.10. In 2009, the FMW reached $7.25 per hour, an increase of $3.90 in a twenty-eight year period. If the FMW were to go to $15 now as many are clamoring for, it would be a $7.75 increase over a twelve year period. Wages are the largest expense a business has, and rising wages, while initially helping employees, raises the cost of living for the very employees it is intended to help.

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A Republic If You Can Keep It

First of all, let’s get this out of the way — The United States of America is not a Democracy. A democracy operates upon popular vote, or mob rule. A democracy does not protect the rights of the minority; it follows the will of the majority.

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

Although there is some question as to whether or not this quote which is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin was really written by the founder, it is a unique description of the difference between our republic and a democracy.
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