You know these days, almost everything is under fire. Whether it’s someone’s opinion, political affiliation, church denomination, or haircut choice, it seems there is always someone who is upset about someone else’s business choices, decisions, words, or actions. Now it’s hand gestures.
It seems this almost international, universal symbol for “Okay,” “Alright,” “Gotcha”, “I understand.”, and “I’ve got It” is being maligned by the idea it is a racist, white supremacist symbol. I’m mean, come on; if you haven’t used this symbol sometime in your life, you were either born in the last ten years to parents so woke they slapped your hands in the cradle, or you simply have no fuc… uh …freaking fingers. I had a college professor who used this symbol a thousand times a day. He was so into the circle on the knee game, that he would hide around the corner standing on a chair just to put it in you face.
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