Settled Science

I try to stay somewhat apolitical on this page, and I’ll do my best here. I like to write, so I do think about words, what they mean, and how they are used. There’s been a lot of use of the term Settled Science in the past few years. Its been used to describe different subjects including weather and climate, disease, origin, humanity, and energy. To be honest, it’s tossed around by both sides. To me, there is something a little conflicting in the use of that term – Settled Science. It is often used to dismiss the differing theories, opinion, discoveries, and even the search for other answers.

So, what is science?

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A Little Perspective

First of all, let’s all agree that the needless death of an innocent individual or group is always a tragedy. No one wants that perpetuated. We can all feel the horror and the pain, share the sorrow and disappointment, and recognize these mass killing events are a stain on our society. It pulls at our emotions; it pains our hearts; to see children and others as targets for warped and frustrated individuals within our society. Anyone who dies at the hands of another beyond the bounds of war, is senseless, unfathomable, and disturbing. But the key in this is at the hands of another individual, individuals who have either found no value in human life, have reached their own tragic end and hope to take others with them, find some freakish joy in celebrity and going out in a blaze of glory, or have been harmed both emotionally and physically all of their lives. Individuals. Those responsible.

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Think Stats

With the focus on COVID-19, and the currently over 220,000 deaths, it’s easy to get lost in what is happening around us. Death is something that gets people worked up, especially when we feel it is unnecessary, could be prevented, or that someone died before their time. Birth and Death are two things that every human being on this planet have in common. No matter what our differences, where we live, how rich or how poor, our ethnicity, our social status, religion, sexual orientation, or gender — we are all born and we all will die. When we talk about death, it is almost natural for emotion to rule the conversation. But sometimes it is important to develop a perspective, to look at reality, and to recognize the facts.

According to the Population Reference Bureau (PBR), the United States, average annual death rates climbed by 400,000 between 2009 and 2018; from 2.4 million to 2.8 million. Factors could include aging population or growing underlying health issues such as heart disease, cancer, or other illness. The three top causes of death in 2018 were heart disease, cancer, and accidents.

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