A Little Perspective


First of all, let’s all agree that the needless death of an innocent individual or group is always a tragedy. No one wants that perpetuated. We can all feel the horror and the pain, share the sorrow and disappointment, and recognize these mass killing events are a stain on our society. It pulls at our emotions; it pains our hearts; to see children and others as targets for warped and frustrated individuals within our society. Anyone who dies at the hands of another beyond the bounds of war, is senseless, unfathomable, and disturbing. But the key in this is at the hands of another individual, individuals who have either found no value in human life, have reached their own tragic end and hope to take others with them, find some freakish joy in celebrity and going out in a blaze of glory, or have been harmed both emotionally and physically all of their lives. Individuals. Those responsible.

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