Settled Science

I try to stay somewhat apolitical on this page, and I’ll do my best here. I like to write, so I do think about words, what they mean, and how they are used. There’s been a lot of use of the term Settled Science in the past few years. Its been used to describe different subjects including weather and climate, disease, origin, humanity, and energy. To be honest, it’s tossed around by both sides. To me, there is something a little conflicting in the use of that term – Settled Science. It is often used to dismiss the differing theories, opinion, discoveries, and even the search for other answers.

So, what is science?

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A Dawg’s Dog

So, I’ve pinned a new post here. If you’re just finding your way here, whether you were dragged here by someone, or you stumbled upon this little spot on the internet – and stumble you must if the first option is not in effect – you may wonder “what’s with the name?” Well, I’ll direct you way down yonder where you can find the beginning. Dogs, wolves, coyotes — they travel in packs, hunt in packs, search in packs. Every so often one goes rogue; hears a different call; breaks from the hunt; splits off; makes a break; follows another scent; and gathers its own pack. They still share the same origin. They are what they are — dog, wolf, coyote, but they have a different calling. That’s me.

You? You’re welcomed to follow, if you choose. Maybe it works for you. Or maybe you were meant to follow a different trail; build your own pack.

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