A Dawg’s Dog

So, I’ve pinned a new post here. If you’re just finding your way here, whether you were dragged here by someone, or you stumbled upon this little spot on the internet – and stumble you must if the first option is not in effect – you may wonder “what’s with the name?” Well, I’ll direct you way down yonder where you can find the beginning. Dogs, wolves, coyotes — they travel in packs, hunt in packs, search in packs. Every so often one goes rogue; hears a different call; breaks from the hunt; splits off; makes a break; follows another scent; and gathers its own pack. They still share the same origin. They are what they are — dog, wolf, coyote, but they have a different calling. That’s me.

You? You’re welcomed to follow, if you choose. Maybe it works for you. Or maybe you were meant to follow a different trail; build your own pack.

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