The Watch

With the roar of the rolling surf echoing in the background, an old man walked along the beach, his cane sinking into the sand with his footsteps. As his ancient eyes scanned the scene before him, the beige, wet landscape littered with rocks, pebbles, and seashells of different sizes, his eyes landed upon the glint of sunlight reflecting from a metallic object. He paused in his shuffle to reach down for the object, a tiny gold gear. Mere inches away, the surf revealed another, and then yet another, each glowing in the midday sun.

He held the small sprockets in his hand, wondering about their relevance, and the happenstance which had brought them to his attention. Having been a jeweler most of his life, the objects brought recognition to his mind. The winding wheel, the crown wheel, and the center wheel of a pocket watch lie in his wrinkled palm. While gazing at his hand, he saw another glint of sunlight upon the wet sand at his feet. Using his cane for balance, he bent his creaking knees to lift the small nub of a gold winding crown.

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Cool, Clear Water

I stood at the kitchen sink not too long ago, staring as the water from the faucet filled up a pitcher of water. The light from the window glistened off of the moving liquid, sending sparkles of diamond beams as its shape changed. In that moment, that simple beauty of movement and light, I thought about the liquid filling the vessel; how vital it is to our very existence; how wonderful it looks in natural movement. In a world filled with chaos, there is order, natural law, and organization of which this simple liquid plays a major role in life on the big blue ball.

This may seem low brain activity to some, but in the world of convenience to which our society has become accustomed, we often overlook things which our ancestors struggled to obtain and which they treasured.  There are places in the world where this life sustaining puzzle piece is scarce, impure, or unavailable. Though in the United States, we concern ourselves with the possibility it may be depleted, we are far and away from a time when our pioneer relatives had to carry it from a well or a stream into the cabin or soddie.

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A Dawg’s Dog

So, I’ve pinned a new post here. If you’re just finding your way here, whether you were dragged here by someone, or you stumbled upon this little spot on the internet – and stumble you must if the first option is not in effect – you may wonder “what’s with the name?” Well, I’ll direct you way down yonder where you can find the beginning. Dogs, wolves, coyotes — they travel in packs, hunt in packs, search in packs. Every so often one goes rogue; hears a different call; breaks from the hunt; splits off; makes a break; follows another scent; and gathers its own pack. They still share the same origin. They are what they are — dog, wolf, coyote, but they have a different calling. That’s me.

You? You’re welcomed to follow, if you choose. Maybe it works for you. Or maybe you were meant to follow a different trail; build your own pack.

A Little Perspective

First of all, let’s all agree that the needless death of an innocent individual or group is always a tragedy. No one wants that perpetuated. We can all feel the horror and the pain, share the sorrow and disappointment, and recognize these mass killing events are a stain on our society. It pulls at our emotions; it pains our hearts; to see children and others as targets for warped and frustrated individuals within our society. Anyone who dies at the hands of another beyond the bounds of war, is senseless, unfathomable, and disturbing. But the key in this is at the hands of another individual, individuals who have either found no value in human life, have reached their own tragic end and hope to take others with them, find some freakish joy in celebrity and going out in a blaze of glory, or have been harmed both emotionally and physically all of their lives. Individuals. Those responsible.

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You see it used over and over. Especially when you see people compare what took place on January 6, 2021 to the BLM and Antifa demonstrations the two years before. It’s a word created to try to stop the discussion. It’s a word which tries to cancel the actions of one group of people in an effort to further magnify the actions of another group of people. Because for anyone trying to compare the actions on one single day, where the amount of violence, death, and destruction pales in comparison to the multi-city riots which took place for over two years, freedom of speech just can’t be tolerated.

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Whiskey and Cigars

I’m no expert. I don’t read the expert blogs. I like what I like, and that’s the only real reason I offer for taking a smoke and a shot. I’m not saying I haven’t gone overboard, but I primarily smoke or drink for the pleasure, not the buzz. Once in a while I expand my horizons, but I’m no connoisseur. When it comes to alcohol, I only drink for one reason: the taste I like even if some might say it proves I have no taste. Hell, some folks would argue that I might as well drink out of a Dixie cup.

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Can We Have Another Word?

As a young boy, I often went up to the local coffee shop with my dad on Saturday mornings. There they had a string of tables all lined up together. The men of the community – farmers, business men, teachers, oil field workers- they’d gather there and drink coffee, discuss politics, solve the world’s problems, and tell stories and jokes on one another. There were Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and the uncommitted all around that string of tables. From time to time, the discussions would get rather heated, because as they say … Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one. Yet, when coffee time was over and it was time to go back to work, they were still friends, neighbors, members of the same community. They’d take turns buying each other’s coffee, sometimes even a cinnamon roll or breakfast. They’d laugh and pat their neighbor on the shoulder and meet back the next day. They didn’t always agree, but they always respected the other person’s right to an opinion. They tolerated one another.

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Gloom and Doom

I don’t mean to be all gloom and doom on you, but it might not hurt for you to become a little bit of a Prepper.

When you look at the supply chain issues we’ve recently encountered; when you experience the rising cost of energy for both your home and your car — you can’t help but wonder if there will come a time when you’ll wish you’d put some things away just in case.

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Peace- Out

I finished a day. It was a day to top a week. Training for eight hours a day at a computer. I had a little alone time after work. I churned up the Traeger, and put on some sirloin. Poured some Jack in a tumbler and lit up one of Manny’s hand wrapped stubs. Sat out on the deck as the sun dropped in the sky, the evening breeze blowing lightly. And I let it all blow away with the smoke in the wind.

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