A Dawg’s Dog

So, I’ve pinned a new post here. If you’re just finding your way here, whether you were dragged here by someone, or you stumbled upon this little spot on the internet – and stumble you must if the first option is not in effect – you may wonder “what’s with the name?” Well, I’ll direct you way down yonder where you can find the beginning. Dogs, wolves, coyotes — they travel in packs, hunt in packs, search in packs. Every so often one goes rogue; hears a different call; breaks from the hunt; splits off; makes a break; follows another scent; and gathers its own pack. They still share the same origin. They are what they are — dog, wolf, coyote, but they have a different calling. That’s me.

You? You’re welcomed to follow, if you choose. Maybe it works for you. Or maybe you were meant to follow a different trail; build your own pack.

Could I Do This More Wrong?

I was looking at my stats, my insights, and I just had to chuckle to myself. You know, I don’t do any of this right. In fact, I probably couldn’t do it any more wrong than I do. I don’t promote this site. I don’t listen to the insight suggestions. I don’t pay attention to bounce rate or session duration. I just kind of let it happen. I’ve even screwed up my advertising account by using an old email account which I no longer have access to. If there was any revenue to generate, which there never has been, I wouldn’t be getting credit for it on any of my old posts because that account doesn’t exist.

I had a dream the other night. I don’t usually remember them, but I’ve started this CPAP thing and I’m actually dreaming. Anyway, I dreamed someone asked me if I had a website. I said yes. Then they asked how much traffic I get. I said, “None. I don’t ever tell anybody about it.”

Continue reading “Could I Do This More Wrong?”

Away from the Pack

So, if you want to see how this started, you can check out the early posts. Short history is that it was the product of a layoff after a thirty year career. I was searching for my spot. Where was I going to fit in and how was I going to make a living?

That living has come from a non-corporate job. Though it pays about half of what I made, it gives me great satisfaction. And during this COVID-19 period, I am so f… uh freaking thankful that I am not in retail. I mean, you can’t imagine how grateful I feel when we have to enter that Big Box retail store and see those employees masked up all day. We don’t go in often. Just four times in three and a half years, but I’m still glad I’m not there. As devastating as the layoff was, I now see it was for the best.

As life changes, priorities change; goals change; and purpose changes. The purpose of this blog has certainly changed. Even in my old job, I was a bit of a lone wolf. Although I supported my company, I had issues with conformity just for the sake of conformity. I’m an independent thinker, and I don’t just like to go along. That still stands. This site is still about going it alone, rather than with the pack.

I’m still a dog on a hunt. I’m just not in the hunt, with every other dog out there. And this site will still be about independent thinking, traveling, exploring, and living.

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